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April 27, 2022

An award-winning team developing career-ready skills

赌钱app可以微信提现’s Model United Nations participated at the National Model United Nations conference in New York and received an Overall Outstanding Delegation award for their representation of Nigeria.

This is not anything new to the Model UN team; they have an award-winning history spanning more than 15 years.

“They’re an impressive group of 赌钱app可以微信提现 students who have distinguished themselves,” said advisor Brian Wright. “They are outstanding representatives for 赌钱app可以微信提现 charged with building a better understanding of the contemporary world.”

Model UN is a unique extracurricular activity. Students can learn about diplomacy, international relations and how the United Nations works. It builds real-world skills—strengthening participants’ speaking, debating and writing abilities, while also honing critical thinking, teamwork and leadership skills.

How to Prepare for a Model UN Conference

When Model UN teams sign up for a conference, they receive their country assignment. Each student also receives a committee and its topics. This year, 赌钱app可以微信提现 represented Nigeria. Each student’s committee assignment posed interesting topics, ranging from “Reducing Nuclear Danger” to “The Right to Privacy in a Digital Age.”

Model UN President Andrew Snow said a lot of preparation work goes into the country you’re representing.

Students begin by preparing a Position Paper, where they identify the national view of the country they represent on the subjects under consideration. Students then begin to make strategic decisions as they create a Policy Matrix, a detailed outline, for their agenda.

“Ultimately, students should have a solid knowledge about the committee and how it operates,” said Andrew.

Model UN hosts weekly sessions providing simulations, speech training and practice to help students know what to expect and how to apply what they have learned.

Oftentimes, these real-world issues can seem complex to the outside observer. Model UN teaches students that these topics can be understood, and solutions are out there.

Meet the Real United Nations Delegates

The New York conference is an exciting one for Model UN members. Opening and closing sessions are held at the United Nations. Teams can meet with the real UN delegation of their assigned country.

赌钱app可以微信提现 students met with the delegate from Nigeria and were able to gain exclusive insight into the organization's processes and ask questions on several of their committee concerns.

“These resources, I feel, truly provide us a competitive advantage when we attend these conferences and represent our college,” said Andrew.

How Can You Get Involved in Model UN Conferences

After attending a few conferences, students may consider applying for the role of Chair on the Dais (directorship) of their own or another committee at one of the conferences. Being a Chair can be a rewarding leadership opportunity.

With his Model UN experience, Andrew decided to apply for Chair of the International Atomic Energy Agency. It involved an interview process where he was tested on the rules and procedures of the conferences, as well his decision-making and management skills.

Being a Chair involves controlling the flow of the committee to help achieve its ultimate goal, a written resolution on the topics that is then voted on by the Member States. It’s an excellent way for students to hone their leadership and compromise skills.

“The ability to take what I learned from the Model UN program and use it through this mechanism to continue challenging myself has been the most gratifying aspect for me,” Andrew said.

What You Gain from Model UN

According to Andrew, Model UN is unique because students walk away with many applicable skills they can use in future careers.

“Students get a foundational set of transitional abilities in areas like communication, critical thinking, and the ability to interact in more ways than they previously understood,” he said.

Model UN a great opportunity for students looking for a way to challenge themselves and get involved in 赌钱app可以微信提现.

“If any 赌钱app可以微信提现 student is seeking an opportunity to push themselves in a new direction or to a new level, I strongly urge them to attend one of our meetings and learn more about what Model UN has to offer,” Andrew said.

Join 赌钱app可以微信提现’s Model UN!

The 赌钱app可以微信提现 Model UN is always looking for new members. More information is at